Research / Incentive Program Design for Crisis Recovery

program design

Incentive Program Design for Crisis Recovery

by Incentive Research Foundation

When the COVID-19 pandemic struck in early 2020, incentives professionals were challenged to develop new strategies to keep their people and teams motivated. As the industry takes measures to recover from the pandemic, many businesses have new goals.

Best practices and principles in effective employee incentive program design are critical components of motivating and rewarding a workforce that may be fundamentally changed by pandemic.

Each of the articles in this report is informed by IRF, other related research, and the insights of nineteen industry professionals whose perspectives range from incentive program design and program ownership, to corporate executives who use incentive programs to motivate their employees.

  1. Timeless Principles of Effective Program Design provides an overview of the core building blocks strategic incentive program
  2. Seven Critical Questions outlines how to establish program objective, determine what goals or behaviors will be rewarded, and select the types of rewards.
  3. Eight Proven Practices offers practical advice from industry experts about elements that have consistently made their incentive programs effective.

Crises like COVID-19 influence the manner, emphasis, and degree to which the principles and practices of effective reward program design should be applied. Thus, each of the articles offers insight into how organizations might adapt and use incentives and rewards to address the immediate challenges presented by the pandemic and how incentives can accelerate recovery.

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