Research / The 2019 Incentive Travel Industry Index, powered by SITE Index, IRF Outlook and FICP

incentive travel

The 2019 Incentive Travel Industry Index, powered by SITE Index, IRF Outlook and FICP

by Incentive Research Foundation

Executive Summary


A join initiative of Financial & Insurance Conference Professionals (FICP), Incentive Research Foundation (IRF) and Society for Incentive Travel Excellence (SITE), the Incentive Travel Industry Index (ITII) consolidates previous research undertaken individually by each association into a single, pan-industry study. This study is at once a historical snap shot of where the industry has come from and a predictive hypothesis of where it’s going.

For the next 3 years, ie, until 2021, the partnership will be partnering with Oxford Economics, a leading independent research company, well known to global incentive travel professionals for its extensive work with the Events Industry Council (EIC), US Travel Association and Meetings Mean Business coalition. 

The Survey

The survey was aimed at travel professionals all over the world and was available in English and Spanish, customized for 5 distinct incentive travel personas: 

  1. Incentive Travel end-user (eg corporate buyer)
  2. Incentive Travel agency (eg incentive house, third party planner, independent planner or other intermediary)
  3. Destination Management Company (eg DMC coordinating local implementation)
  4. Supplier to the incentive travel market (eg hotels, cruise lines, venues, transportation companies, AV companies, Decor companies)
  5. Destination Marketing Organizations (eg DMO or convention & visitors bureau)

Click on the “Download” button above to access the full study.

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