Research / The IRF Incentive Travel Toolkit: Forms, Templates, Guides, Tips, and Resources

incentive travel

The IRF Incentive Travel Toolkit: Forms, Templates, Guides, Tips, and Resources

by Incentive Research Foundation

An incentive travel program is a powerful and effective employee motivator. But long before your incentive program award winners are being celebrated at a luxurious property, it’s critical that the program is planned, designed, and implemented for success. The IRF Incentive Travel Toolkit provides guidance, selling tools, best practices, and practical resources to help you design and manage an incentive travel program.

Whether you are looking to establish a program or re-justify incentive travel spend, this toolkit contains the resources, guides, tips, research, and insights needed to get underway. Make sure to click on the “Downloads” at the top of each page to access tools in editable formats (Word, Excel, PPT) that you can download, edit, and use for your incentive travel programs.

Section 1: Industry Overview

Section 2: The Business Case & Key Selling Points: Effectiveness data that can be used to sell the concept to leadership for approval and budget allocation

Section 3: Program Design Best Practices: What needs to be considered categorically to design an effective program

Section 4: Program Operations Best Practices: A look at operational basics, highlighting the most important category elements

Thank you to our volunteers and contributors

Jim Adams – Performance Strategies | Min Choi – Germania Insurance | Krzysztof Celuch – Celuch Consulting | Jerry Klein – Animate Growth Partners | Rick Low – Topnet, Inc. | Mike May – Brightspot Incentives & Events | Mike McWilliams – Next Level Performance | Lisa Meller – Meller Performance Events Group | Michele Sarkisian – Avenger Capital

Thank you to our Research Advocacy Partner

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