The study explores trends in attendee preferences, factors in destination selection, and how incentive travel...
Research / Incentive Travel Toolkit, Section 2: The Business Case & Key Selling Points
by Incentive Research Foundation
An incentive program with a travel reward is one of the most motivating programs an organization can put in place for their employees or channel partners. The impacts of a travel reward extend well beyond the earning period, creating long-term affinity for the sponsoring organization, creating strong relationships among the attendees, and inspiring others in the organization to earn the reward in the future.
Securing leadership buy-in for these programs is necessary for their success. This section contains insights, article links, templates, and more to help you build your rationale and business case for the use of incentive travel rewards.
Our panel discusses what lies ahead for the incentives industry as reported in The IRF 2025 Trends Report.
This study highlights the importance of determining the optimal monetary value for incentive rewards. While higher rewards can boost motivation and participation, there is a threshold where additional increases have diminishing returns.