The IRF's first-ever study focused solely on the European market explores trends in European attendee...
The Effects of Tangible Rewards Versus Cash Rewards in a Sales Tournament: A Field Experiment
The Effects of Reward Type on Employee Goal Setting, Goal Commitment, and Performance
2015 Landmark Study: Participant Award Experience Preferences Conducted in the summer of 2015, the study used scenario-moderated conjoint analysis to explore 26 different high level variables and over 110 different preference options in the total award experience for 452 individuals within the United States. The study employed fully-randomized experimental design. To maintain proper representation researchers…
Executive Brief- History of Employee Engagement Some time between 1990 and now, what started out as something about people being able to bring their own personal skills and interests to the job did a 180, and became about going above and beyond for the organization. “Employee engagement” is what the boss says the organization needs more…
Much is made of the differences between generations of workers and consumers. The popular media, authors, consultants, reporters, professional speakers and others drive the conversation, sometimes in a genuine effort to help, in other cases, perhaps to fan the flames of a debate that may deserve less attention. For organizations hoping to tailor their incentive…
Cleveland Clinic is ranked as one of the top hospitals in America by U.S. News and World Report in their 2013 report. In December, 2013 Cleveland Clinic had 43,890 employees who are spread out in multiple locations including Ohio (with 16 full service health centers), Nevada, Florida (within the US), Canada and Abu Dhabi. Cleveland…
Ever since Gartner identified “gamification” as an emerging technology in its 2011 Hype Cycle Report, the term has become a new buzzword across multiple industries.
A study of a cross-section of US businesses conrms that incentive travel, merchandise, and gift cards are popular tools for rms seeking toincentivefed1reward and recognize their employees, sales teams, channel, and customers. Key ndings from the study include:
ACCOUNT-OPENER: A direct premium offered by a bank or savings and loan association to a depositor opening a new account. ADVANCE PREMIUM: One given to a new customer on condition he or she will earn it by later purchase, a technique originated by home-service route firms. ADVERTISING SPECIALTY: Close cousin to a premium—a useful item bearing an advertising…
Background Behavioral Basics Building Blocks Case Studies Key Learnings It’s not just the 16-year olds playing games today — “game mechanics” are being applied in learning applications like flight simulators, consumer marketing applications, and business-based incentives — across all demographics.
Executive Summary A well-known hand-tool manufacturer based in the United States had never tried incentives with their distributor network because they did not believe “they would be worth the investment”. In their first-ever incentive program, their goals were to: Increase incremental Net Sales by $1 MillionIncrease gross margins from 30.4% to 32% An in-depth analysis…
Executive Summary A Fortune 500 manufacturer and distributor were faced with the challenge of motivating their Master Resellers to increase sales and marketshare in each of their key sales territories. The company had used various forms of incentives in the past with some success and many repeat winners, but was facing formidable new challenges due…